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February 26th, 2015:

#Powershell and Automating SQL Server Builds-Part 3

Hopefully you’ve seen over the last two posts some basic techniques for automating and codifying your SQL Server builds.  There’s just two more items I want to cover here, questions you’re probably asking yourself already.

The build script

Let’s start with reviewing the whole build script to this point. While I wouldn’t recommend running this in production yourself, the finalized version looks something like this:

Run this from the install binary location
$SAPassword = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(16,4)

#Configure the OS
New-Item -ItemType Directory G:\MSSQL\Data
New-Item -ItemType Directory H:\MSSQL\Logs
New-Item -ItemType Directory I:\MSSQL\TempDB

#Configure Instant File Initialization
$svcaccount = 'SDF\sqlsvc'
secedit /export /areas USER_RIGHTS /cfg C:\templocalsec.cfg
$privline = Get-Content C:\templocalsec.cfg | Select-String 'SeManageVolumePrivilege'
(Get-Content C:\templocalsec.cfg).Replace($privline,"$privline,$svcaccount") | Out-File C:\newlocalsec.cfg
secedit /configure /db secedit.sdb /cfg C:\newlocalsec.cfg

#Open the firewall for 1433
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow SQL Server" -Direction Inbound –LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow

#Set Server configurations
$smosrv = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') localhost
$smosrv.Configuration.MaxServerMemory.ConfigValue = 4000
$smosrv.Configuration.MinServerMemory.ConfigValue = 2000
$smosrv.Configuration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism.ConfigValue = 4
$smosrv.Configuration.OptimizeAdhocWorkloads.ConfigValue = 1
$smosrv.DefaultFile = 'G:\MSSQL\Data'
$smosrv.DefaultLog = 'H:\MSSQL\Logs'

#disable sa

Next Steps

After this, we should consider deploying maintenance jobs, restoring databases, or building out things like availability groups. While I don’t cover these here, keep in mind these tasks can be scripted out as well.  I encourage you to consider how you could do this.  For example, if you leverage either Ola Hallengren’s scripts or the new Minion Reindex from the Midnight DBAs(@MidnightDBA), you have another piece you can automate. The key is that you have a repeatable process.

At Xero we have all our maintenance jobs as part of our administrative database deployment. This is handled through SQL Server Data Tools and .dacpacs. We achieve consistency and deployment speed by managing that solution and deploying the administrative database project. By maintaining the database in source control we manage our tool set, keeping it standardized.  When we add or update it, we can apply the changes out to our environment. This also means when we build a new server, we have a standardized way to install our admin tools with a minimum of muss and fuss.

The Point

Automation is more about consistency than speed, but speed is a nice side benefit. By assembling these components into a single script, we have a repeatable build process for any SQL Server in our environment. Our instances will be built the same way, every time, so long as we aren’t changing our script. The bonus is, since it’s all scripted, there’s no fumbling with wizards, dialog boxes, and making sure we type in the right values, so it all just happens. And in a matter of minutes. At Xero, I can take a server from nothing to ready for databases in about 20 minutes using these techniques.

Now, we could go pretty crazy with how we build our automation script. In fact, there’s some pretty cool tools out there that will help you with this. I’ll let you do that on your own. Just make sure that, before you do, you know all the steps you have to build your SQL Server. It’s fine and dandy to be able to script out things, but without a plan or process to automate first, most of the scripts you could write won’t do you much good because you can’t use them again.

P.S. HUGE thanks out to Melody Zacharias(@SQLMelody) for helping me with this series of posts.