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February 24th, 2015:

#Powershell and Automating SQL Server Builds

Last week, my friend John Morehouse(@SQLrUs) and I had a bit of twitter banter about breaking and fixing things. Of course, my joke is usually “I have a script for that”, to which John replied:

Amusingly enough, I kind of do. It’s not quite the way you would think, though. Lately I’ve had a different attitude about “fixing” things in my environments, because sometimes it takes waaaaaaay more time to try and repair stuff than to just build it from scratch. Especially if you are scripting out your processes and automating your builds. This is what I would say to John;  if he walked in to my data center and abused my poor server with a wooden implement, I’d simply build a new one.

Before we get much further here, let’s talk about the fine print. Everything I’m going to talk about doesn’t get around backups, DBCC checks, or other processes we need to address as DBAs. We’re not talking about the data here, simply the server that hosts it all. It’s still vital that you do your due diligence to protect your data.

Building SQL Servers

So let’s talk about building our SQL Servers. Firstly, you should always have a defined build process for your environments even if you haven’t had a chance to automate or script it. Checklists and runbooks are the starting points for consistency in any IT shop and if you don’t have them, make them.

For our purposes, let’s assume the following build process. This is pretty basic and there’s lots of possible elements we could have, but I want to start simple. Here’s what we’re going to do:

  1. Install SQL Server
  2. Configure the OS
    1. Directory structures
    2. Instant File Initialization
    3. Open the firewall for SQL Server
  3. Configure SQL Server
    1. Configure max and min server memory, our maxdop setting, and optimize for adhoc queries
    2. Set default database directories
    3. Disable the sa account

I’m not going to give you a comprehensive script at this time, but instead show you how so you can use the same tricks in your environment. The reason for this is that everyone builds their servers a little differently, but if you define and script your process, you can  have your servers built and configured in 15-20 minutes.

Install SQL Server

This step is actually the easiest and has been around for a while, but I want to add a few twists to it. I always install SQL Server using a configuration.ini file. By using this approach, you can install your SQL Servers the same way, every time. You’ll find plenty of articles on the Googles on how to do this, so I won’t dive into it, but I want to address the matter of passwords.

The problem with using the .ini file is most folks (and this includes me) will put the passwords in plaintext in the file. This has numerous bad security implications. Depending on how accessible this file is, you could be giving away your service account and sa passwords and not even know it.

One step I take to manage this is I no longer include my sa password in the file, but instead randomly generate it when I install SQL Server. I went down this path because my friend Argenis Fernandez(@DBArgenis) got me thinking about how the sa account really gets used. The fact of the matter is that I rarely, if ever, log in to the server as sa. In my opinion, no one should even be using that account. This is why I will disable the account on my servers. I’m going to forgo the debate about whether this is a good idea or not (plenty of opinions on either side), but instead just work on the assumption that I need to provide some password to the account for the install. I still want a strong password, though, so I use the following code in Powershell to create my password and pass it as a command line switch. Feel free to read more up on the System.Web.Security.Membership GeneratePassword method for the details on how this works:

$SAPassword = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(16,4)

This gets my install complete and, honestly, is the longest part of the process. There are ways to cheat around that, but I’ll save that for another post.

To Be Continued…

When I first started writing this, I figured it would be a quick post. Suddenly I found I was at 5 pages and going. So we’re going to break it up to make it a little more manageable.  Tune in tomorrow when we cover configuring the OS and SQL Server itself.