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March, 2015:

Effectively Using Invoke-SqlCmd

I really enjoy interacting with the SQL community on Twitter. Whether it is exchanging silly one line, sharing interesting articles and blog posts, or trying to answer a tricky problem, the conversation is always engaging. One such conversation that happened last week was a community member who was struggling with the output he wanted out of Invoke-SqlCmd. I was able to help him out, but the conversation got me thinking about how people use this cmdlet within their scripts and processes.

The focal point of the confusion is how Invoke-SqlCmd relates to sqlcmd.exe. Sqlcmd has been around since SQL 2005, replacing the antiquated osql executable. Many administrators have gotten used to the robustness of sqlcmd and how they can leverage it for their backend automation. I’ve used sqlcmd for many tasks over the years.

Then along came Powershell and Invoke-SqlCmd. This cmdlet, included with the SQL Server provider, is intended to cover a lot of the functionality that an administrator can find in sqlcmd, but now as part of Powershell. What people get hung up on is that Invoke-SqlCmd is not a direct replacement of sqlcmd and that it can’t (and shouldn’t) be used in the same way.

Thinking Differently

The challenge when thinking about sqlcmd versus Invoke-SqlCmd focuses on outputs. One of the cardinal rules of Powershell is that everything is an object. When comparing sqlcmd with Invoke-SqlCmd, this difference becomes quite stark. First, let’s look at sqlcmd’s output, capturing it into a variable and then examining the types that make up the output:


Using the GetType() method, we can see that the collected output of sqlcmd is an array, with each element of the array being a string. What this means is that that each line of output from sqlcmd (including the header and the row count output) is a single string, with all column elements concatenated into that string. As you can imagine, this is clumsy to handle and would require a lot of ugly string parsing to separate out the elements.

Now let’s look at the same command using Invoke-Sqlcmd:


Right off the bat, the output is noticeably different. Our total output object is now a DataRow, with the individual column being an Int32 type. You’ll note that there is no item count as well. This is because we have a singular object as output (which has no count or length properties). If we further investigate the output using Get-Member, we’ll find that the columns of our query are actual properties of the output object (in this case, Column1 since we didn’t name our column).

A New Perspective

This helps us because we can now start treating our outputs as data, not just a mass of text that has to be parsed. For example, let’s consider the following query:

SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName') as InstanceName
,SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as MachineName
,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') as SQLVersion
,SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') as SQLEdition
,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') as SQLReleaseLevel

If you want to make use of these values in Powershell and use sqlcmd, you would have to perform all sorts of string manipulations to separate out the values. To make it easy, we’d likely have each value a separate call to sqlcmd.exe. Using Invoke-SqlCmd changes the game, allowing you to easily access each column as a property of your output:

SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName') as InstanceName
,SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as MachineName
,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') as SQLVersion
,SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') as SQLEdition,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') as SQLReleaseLevel

$sqlstats = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $sql


'Instance: ' + $sqlstats.InstanceName
'Host: ' + $sqlstats.MachineName
'Product Info: ' + $sqlstats.SQLVersion +'('+$sqlstats.SQLReleaseLevel+') - ' + $sqlstats.SQLEdition


This ability to reference columns as properties gets even more powerful when we deal with larger data sets for our scripts. A common technique I use is to leverage a collection of databases to drive work I need to do. With my collection as a series of objects, each row element is easier to access and make use of for my processing. To see a detailed example of this, run the following commands and study the output of the Get-Member call:

$dbs = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query 'select name,recovery_model_desc,page_verify_option_desc from sys.databases;'
$dbs | Get-Member

Data Driven Decisions

Invoke-SqlCmd lets you integrate your data with your scripts. When you make your outputs discrete objects, data becomes readily accessible for your automation. It allows you to move those clunky parts of your processing out of T-SQL and into Powershell, making your scripts more robust. You can use T-SQL for what T-SQL is good at, allowing Powershell to take over where appropriate.

This does not replace sqlcmd. Another key difference is Invoke-SqlCmd isn’t interactive, where sqlcmd is. If you have need of a command line tool for using SQL Server (you’re on Server Core or you need an emergency connection), sqlcmd will be your weapon choice.

The fuzzy area is around compiled SQL scripts you might use. Both Invoke-SqlCmd and sqlcmd.exe can accept these scripts and allow you to perform sqlcmd’s variable replacement for parameterizing scripts. Choosing which method you use, in my mind, comes back to outputs. If your script output is simply a matter of logging the entire execution of your script for later review, sqlcmd is a perfectly acceptable method. However, if you need to integrate your scripts into a larger process and make use of the that output within the script execution, Invoke-SqlCmd could be your better option.

Powershell is about options. Everyone has their own methods and patterns, the idea behind Powershell scripting is not to give you a one-size-fits-all solution, but to provide you the components for building your scripts. The challenge we all have is to make sure we’re using the right components in the right way, the proverbial “driving a screw with a hammer” problem. When presented with a new tool set, don’t try and use it the same way as other tools you’ve had in the past. Instead, learn the tool on its own so you can make the best use of it for your process.

The #SQLNewBlogger Challenge: Git ‘er done!

This week my friend Ed Leighton-Dick(@elieghtondick) announced his New SQL Blogger challenge.  It’s an effort focused on getting new bloggers to write regularly and build a habit of blogging. We’ve heard a lot about how blogging can build your personal brand, so I’m a big fan of this challenge and will participate, even though I’ve been blogging off and on for the past few years.  So far, some big names have come out in support of this challenge. Awesome to see. Not to try and ride their coat tails, but I want to add my own thoughts because I think it’s incredibly important to participate.

Most community members will be intimidated by this challenge. I say this because I’ve heard (and said) all the excuses that are probably going through your head when you think about blogging.  I want to show you how you can overcome that intimidation and participate successfully, jump starting your blogging career.

I don’t have anything to blog about

I hear this all the time. Really what people are saying is “I don’t have anything valuable to blog about” and I completely call shenanigans on this attitude, for much the same reason as why I tell folks they should start presenting. Everyone has something to share. Even if you think it’s simple or a no-brainer, I guarantee you someone will benefit from your knowledge.

Let’s consider why new bloggers get so intimidated. The perception is that current bloggers, especially the BIG names, always seem to have some clever script or gotcha to contribute. Something no one else has ever thought of. It’s a tough act to follow, especially if you are just getting started.

However, to butcher a song lyric, “Any blog is a good blog”.

I always recommend that new bloggers approach their blogging as self documentation. Write for yourself, don’t expect anyone else to read it (and if they do, BONUS!). There have been a number of times where I go back to my blog for a technique or script I wrote in the past. It’s a great entry point to get you to started writing and reduces the “freak out” about other people reading what you wrote.

They’re All Going to Laugh at Me

This could also be the “what if I’m wrong” clause. For new presenters and bloggers, there seems to be a permeating fear about getting called out for something wrong or bad that they publish. I’m sorry, have you met the #SQLFamily? What I love about the SQL Server community is that most folks out there are extremely supportive and helpful. If something is wrong, the community will help you fix it and learn from it.

The bonus of doing this in the internet is making corrections and updates is easy. If someone corrects you or shows you a better way, you can blog about it! If there’s an error, you can fix it! Consider your blog a living diary that can be adjusted as necessary. The only caveat here: Be public about your changes. Either write a new post or make an addendum calling out your edit. Stealth edits look fishy, be public.

Who Has Time To Blog?

Blogging is like any other part of your life where you need to grow: you need to make time for it.  It doesn’t have to be much, an hour or two. The trick is to schedule it like any other commitment and stick to that schedule.

My routine is to write every Saturday morning. I found a nice little tea shop near my house and include that in my morning routine:

  1. I’ll walk to the tea shop around 9 AM. It’s a 30 minute walk and gives me time to think about what I will write about. Plus, the physical activity energizes me.
  2. Once I get to the shop, I order my tea and breakfast (oatmeal, ‘cause I’m trying to lose ‘dat weight). Then I find a space, get plugged in, and start writing.
  3. The writing process is very stream of consciousness. I use Google docs and basically just spitball out what’s in my brain. I don’t worry so much about grammar or sentence structure, the idea is to get my thoughts on paper. This also might include hacking out scripts or testing the stuff I’m blogging about if it’s technical.
  4. Once the writing is complete, I’ll take a Twitter/Internet break (note, I shut Twitter down during the writing, reduce those distractions). Not long, maybe 15 minutes.
  5. After the break, I’ll do one major pass to clean up sentence structure and grammar. Then I shut it down and go home.


It should be noted that at this point the blog isn’t quite complete, but the bulk of the work is done.  Next steps for me are to get to get the post into WordPress and schedule it. I always schedule my blog posts for Tuesdays at 8 AM MDT, giving myself a deadline.

You need to commit to this to make it work. The best way I’ve found to hold myself to commitments is to set deadlines. Need to build a presentation? Commit to giving it on a specific date. Need to get a blog post up? There’s my weekly publish deadline. Will you hit those deadlines every the time? Probably not, but as long as it’s not a habit and you don’t let yourself get away with missing a deadline, you’ll be fine.

How Can I Help?

While I think this is a great challenge, I think it’s fairly obvious I’m not a new blogger. How I’m participating is lending my less-than-expansive blogging experience to get others started. This post is the first portion of me owning the challenge as I hope to show you the path to getting started. There’s yet more that I can contribute. So here’s the next steps:

  • Need someone to review your blog before you post it? Hit me up.
  • Want to bounce blog post ideas off of someone? I can do this.
  • Lacking inspiration for what to blog about? Let’s talk.

Let me help you make the most of this challenge. I’m not a expert, I’m not a big name, I’m just a dude doing his SQL thing. But I think I can share some of that with you to make the road a little easier.  Email me via mike at this blog.

Own that $#!+

Blogging, like presenting, is a huge part of building your career and personal brand. It will make you more visible to your peers, help you retain knowledge, and improve your writing skills through practice. By blogging you strengthen the larger SQL community by adding to the pool of tribal knowledge as well as making yourself a stronger member of that group. Remember, you have something to contribute, a unique piece of knowledge that you can share with your comrades in the community. I encourage you to step up and answer the challenge.

Auditing SQL Execution Times With #Powershell

Last week, I was talking with another DBA on my team about our release process.  He was running a series of SQL scripts as part of a code release.  There were about 4 different scripts and, while he was running each one, he would log the start and stop time for each script execution in a text file. We both recognized this as a perfect opportunity for some Powershell automation and I figured I’d put something together.

The pattern for logging this kind of work isn’t terribly complex. We have about 3 steps:

  1. Record the start time
  2. Execute the SQL command or script
  3. Record the end time

The simplest way to express this in Powershell-ese would be:

$StartTime = Get-Date
Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance localhost -Database YourDB -InputFile ‘.\YourSQLFile.sql’
$EndTime = Get-Date
$Duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime

Simple, effective, and can then be recorded to any desired output, such as a text file or a database table. Why stop here? Whenever we build automation, we should focus on flexibility and doing the work up front. So let’s enhance this.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ve probably noticed that I like to make use of custom Powershell objects for reporting. Custom objects give you a flexible and effective way to generate output, as it allows you to present your results in a variety of ways. With this in mind, I put together the following wrapper function to take either a SQL command or script, execute that command or script, and capture the relevant data about the execution.

function Measure-SqlCmd{
       ,$databasename = 'tempdb'
       ,[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SQLCmd',Mandatory=$true)]$Query
       ,[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SQLScript',Mandatory=$true)]$InputFile)

   $output = New-Object System.Object
   $errval = $null

   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name InstanceName -Value $instancename
   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatabaseName -Value $databasename
   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name StartTime -Value (Get-Date)

       $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SQL -Value $sqlscript
       $sqlout = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instancename -Database $databasename -InputFile $InputFile -ErrorVariable errval
       $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SQL -Value $sqlcmd
       $sqlout = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $instancename -Database $databasename -Query $Query -ErrorVariable errval

   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EndTime -Value (Get-Date)
   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name RunDuration -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $output.StartTime -End $output.EndTime)
   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Results -Value $sqlout
   $output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Error -Value $errval

   return $output


At the core, we’re using the same pattern as declared above, but we’re just capturing other pieces of data and putting them into the properties of our custom object.  This allows us to do all sorts of stuff.  Let’s start with simply running our function:

Measure-SqlCmd -instancename 'localhost' -databasename 'demoPartition' -Query 'exec usp_loadpartitiondata;'

The results are a nice little object list, giving us the information about our SQL command:


Handy, no? Well, now the fun begins. Let’s say we have a couple commands to execute and we want to output this to a comma separated values(.csv) file for logging. Because we did all the work upfront of making a function and the custom object, the rest becomes a snap:

$total = @()
$total += Measure-SqlCmd -instancename 'localhost' -databasename 'demoPartition' -Query 'exec usp_loadpartitiondata;'
$total += Measure-SqlCmd -instancename 'localhost' -databasename 'demoPartition' -Query 'exec usp_fragmentpartition;'
$total | Select-Object InstanceName,DatabaseName,StartTime,EndTime,SQL,RunDuration | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\ExecutionLog.csv' -NoTypeInformation


The bonus of using this pattern is I can use the object collection for a variety of reporting methods.  Using Export-Csv, I can easily create my .csv log file. Another option is to use Chad Miller’s(@cmille19) Out-DataTable and Write-DataTable to record this info to a database table. We now have a flexible logging process to work with.

We also go back to the principle of tool building. Here’s a tool for SQL execution that I can use to give me a repeatable logging process. As I continue to say, automation is about consistency. We can use this logging method to automate SQL script and command executions across multiple instances, track them all in the same way, and then store or handle this appropriate to our process. The end result is tracking our work the same way, every time.

Using #Powershell to Measure SQL Transactions

4333013417_ca6f8904d3_zA common question that comes up for SQL Server administrators is “how do I measure performance”? This is a tough question and there are a variety of ways to do this.  Just off the top of my head, you could measure wait statistics, logical reads and writes for a query, or query duration. When we talk about system performance, we need more general metrics and the one that business folks tend to look at is transactions per second.

For SQL Server, this metric is captured within the SQL Server performance counters.  There are actually two counters you could use: Batch Requests/sec and Transactions/sec. There’s some significant differences between these two counters and this SQL Magazine article covers them both in great detail.  For my work, I like to go with Batch Requests/sec because it captures more transactions going on within the instance, making it a more informative value for measuring system performance.

What’s the best way to capture this? Setting up a perfmon data collection is pretty easy, but then we have to manage creating the collection, then manage the output, and making sense of it. This can be a bear to handle and take a fair amount of manual work to get in place, especially if we just need a quick check on what’s going on in the system.

Powershell provides the Get-Counter cmdlet to query Windows perfmon counters, allowing us rapid access to the information without a lot of hassle. With this cmdlet we can easily measure system performance:

Get-Counter -Counter '\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec'

The output is a PerformanceCounterSampleSet object that is a collection of samples for the call. Using the above command only gives us a single sample, so that makes it simple. We’ll talk about multiple samples in a bit.


The key properties of a sample to focus on are:

  • Timestamp – When the sample was collected
  • RawValue – Running cumulative counter for the object
  • CookedValue – The “actual” value, based on the calculating the previous RawValue and the current RawValue.

For reference, if you’ve ever looked at these values in sys.dm_os_performance_counters you have seen the RawValue. This means you are also probably used to doing your own math to measuring these values. Powershell and the perfmon object model will do this math for us, making it easier for us to use.

How do we leverage this for quickly measuring our instance’s transaction performance? I’ve put together the following function to do this for me.  The approach is simple: I give it an instance name and a duration in seconds, and my code will build a Get-Counter call to calculate the Batch Requests/sec information on my instance.

function Get-SQLTxnCount{


$smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $InstanceName
$ComputerName = $smo.ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS

$Samples = [Math]::Ceiling($DurationSec/5)
$output = New-Object System.Object
if($smo.InstanceName -gt 0){
$Counters = @('\MSSQL`$'+$smo.InstanceName+':SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec')
$Counters = @('\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec')

$Txns = Get-Counter -ComputerName $ComputerName -Counter $Counters -SampleInterval 5 -MaxSamples $samples
$Summary=$Txns.countersamples | Measure-Object -Property CookedValue -Minimum -Maximum -Average

$output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name InstanceName -Value $smo.DomainInstanceName
$output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name AvgTxnPerSecond -Value $Summary.Average
$output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinTxnPerSecond -Value $Summary.Minimum
$output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MaxTxnPersecond -Value $Summary.Maximum
return $Output

Get-SQLTxnCount -InstanceName 'PICARD' -DurationSec 30

This function expands on the simple Get-Counter call in a couple ways.  First, I make sure I’ve narrowed the counters to only the specific named instance I want to measure. The second change is to the duration of the test and calculation of  how many 5 second samples will be collected over that duration. Finally, I create a custom output with the Measure-Object cmdlet to show the minimum, maximum, and average Batch Requests/sec for my samples.  This all comes together as a simple transactional measurement for my instance.

This isn’t a replacement for detailed benchmarks and analysis. For this, I recommend some of what Laerte Junior(@LaerteSQLDBA) has written. He has a much more detailed overview of Get-Counter and using it with SQL Server that I would highly recommend (P.S. His article gave me my start on this function).  Benchmarks are extremely important and necessary to make the information coming out of my function useful.

Just like a carpenter has his square or tape measure, this function lets me measure my SQL Server with just a few keystrokes. I still need the full context of what’s happening on my instance, but at least I’ll know the dimensions without a lot effort or additional work. I challenge you to start thinking about your own Powershell in the same way. Don’t think of simply creating scripts, consider how you can take your work and build out your own squares, calipers, or other tools to improve your skills as a craftsman.

Building Availability Groups with #Powershell

A couple weeks ago, I went over automating your SQL Server builds. That’s the kind of process that will benefit many SQL Server administrators. But why stop there?  I say that the more we can automate, the better.  So now let’s talk about automating another aspect of building SQL Servers: availability groups.

Availability groups were the killer feature in SQL 2012 and saw more enhancements with SQL 2014. In my opinion, this is a key feature that allows SQL Server to step into the horizontally scalable world. The problem is that it is not an easy feature to set up or configure. Availability groups have a lot of pitfalls and gotchas to navigate. This is where automation comes in as our ally to build a consistent, repeatable process to deal with these hurdles. Remember, automation is primarily about consistency and we can achieve that by scripting out as much of our build process as possible.

As before, let’s talk about the process we’re going to automate:

  1. Build a Windows failover cluster consisting of two nodes.
    1. The two nodes will already have SQL Server installed.
    2. We will add a file share witness into the cluster (because an even number of quorum votes is bad).
    3. The cluster will be simple, so we will skip things like heartbeat networks and other more advanced configurations.
  2. Build an availability group across both nodes of the cluster.
    1. Availability group will use standard endpoints
    2. Both nodes will be configured for synchronous commit and automatic failover
    3. Create a listener with a static IP address.

Building the Cluster

To ease the scripting process, Microsoft provides several cmdlets in the Failover Cluster module.  Using these, we can create our cluster.

Import-Module FailoverClusters

New-Cluster -Name 'NC1701' -StaticAddress '' -NoStorage -Node @('PICARD','RIKER')| Set-ClusterQuorum -FileShareWitness '\\hikarudc\qwitness'

As you can see, the cluster creation is pretty easy. Keep in mind this is an extremely simple cluster with none of the usual items we include in production. While you can use this process for your production environment, make sure you work with a clustering expert to define all the additional configurations you will need to build in to make your cluster stable. I also want to call out that I created the fileshare for the witness outside of this script as well.

Before we proceed, I want to validate the cluster.  As with everything else we will use Powershell:

Test-Cluster -Name ‘NC1701’

Firewall Ports

An easy thing to overlook is the firewall ports for availability group communication. I know, I forget it all the time! We need to open up 1433 for SQL Server and listener communication and port 5022 for the availability group endpoints.  Some quick Powershell resolves this for us:

Invoke-Command -ComputerName RIKER -ScriptBlock {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'SQL Server' -LocalPort 1433 -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName PICARD -ScriptBlock {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'SQL Server' -LocalPort 1433 -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP}

Invoke-Command -ComputerName RIKER -ScriptBlock {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'AG Endpoint' -LocalPort 5022 -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName PICARD -ScriptBlock {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'AG Endpoint' -LocalPort 5022 -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP}

Building the Availability Group

Microsoft provides some cmdlets for building availability groups in the SQLPS module. The process is fairly straightforward, since we’re only declaring two synchronous nodes with automatic failover. If we were to have additional nodes, we would need to put in additional logic for determining which nodes would perform which roles.

Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameCheckin
$PrimaryNode = 'PICARD'
$IP = ''
$replicas = @()

$cname = (Get-Cluster -name $PrimaryNode).name
$nodes = (get-clusternode -Cluster $cname).name

$sqlperms = @"
use [master];

foreach($node in $nodes){
    Enable-SqlAlwaysOn -Path "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$node\DEFAULT" -Force
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $node -Database master -Query $sqlperms
    $replicas += New-SqlAvailabilityReplica -Name $node -EndpointUrl "TCP://$($node):5022" -AvailabilityMode 'SynchronousCommit' -FailoverMode 'Automatic' -AsTemplate -Version 12

New-SqlAvailabilityGroup -Name $AGName -Path "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$PrimaryNode\DEFAULT" -AvailabilityReplica $replicas

$nodes | Where-Object {$_ -ne $PrimaryNode} | ForEach-Object {Join-SqlAvailabilityGroup -path "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$_\DEFAULT" -Name $AGName}

New-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener -Name $AGName -staticIP $IP -Port 1433 -Path "SQLSERVER:\Sql\$PrimaryNode\DEFAULT\AvailabilityGroups\$AGName"

There are a couple cmdlets we’re using to make this all work:

  • Enable-SQLAlwaysOn enables Always On with the SQL Server service. This must be done before we can create our AGs.
  • New-SqlAvailabilityReplica creates a SMO object that represents our node for the availability group. We signify that we are creating SMO objects by using the -AsTemplate switch. Without that switch, the cmdlet would try creating the actual replica, which we can’t do since the availability group doesn’t actually exist at this point.
  • New-SqlAvailabilityGroup requires two items: the primary node the availability group will be created on (declared as a SQL provider path) and the collection of replica nodes.  Running the cmdlet will create the availability group and join the replicas to it.
  • Join-SqlAvailabilityGroup is used to join the replicas to the availability group. Weirdly enough, when you create the availability group, it won’t join the other replicas, so we have to take an additional step to join the non-primary nodes.

You’ll note we wrap the replica process in a foreach loop built on the Get-ClusterNode output. I use this approach so that, no matter how many nodes my cluster contains, I can add them all without explicit calls to the node names. The loop will add the SMO objects to a collection that will eventually represent all the nodes for the availability group (in this case, only two).

A gotcha to call out is the SQL Statement I execute on each node. When working on this, I kept encountering error 41131. It surprises me, because I believe these permissions should be granted when you enable Always On for the service. However, most of the time this does not happen, so I’ve included the SQL Statement to guarantee that my permissions are correct for creating the availability group

Once we’ve created the availability group, we need to create the listener. To do this, we need the listener name, the port we will use, the static IP that will be assigned to the listener name, and the availability group (declared as the provider path). To ease the implementation, I use the availability group name as the listener name and port 1433. This actually takes the longest of the steps, because the cmdlet has to validate the IP isn’t already in use, but as long as the address is available your listener will be created and your availability group built.

 At this point, you should have a functional availability group and can add databases to it.

Another approach

The interesting thing about these cmdlets is they all work using the SMO and related objects. That means that if you want a more controlled approach where you get down and dirty with the code, you can go that route. Thomas Stringer(@sqllife) has a great post on this method and I actually was going down that route originally.

The question I had to ask myself was if it was worth re-inventing the wheel for my availability group builds. I’m not a big fan of how the SQLPS cmdlets rely on the SQL Server provider. Additionally, if you build your script using Thomas’ method, your script will work anywhere you have .Net and doesn’t rely on you installing the SQL Server client tools to get SQLPS. However, using the SMO/.Net method means I have to do a lot more work to get my script running, where the SQLPS cmdlets have taken care of most of that work for me.

Which approach should you use? That’s for you to decide, but I encourage you to look at both methods and evaluate which approach works better for you. When all was said and done, I went with the SQLPS cmdlets because it meant I didn’t have to spend a lot of time writing additional code.

Just as with our SQL Server build process, we’re building consistency and repeatability into our environment. The added benefit is, using this script, I can create my availability group in about a minute. While I may not be creating availability groups often, my script ensures that when I do create them I can maintain my build standards and keep my systems aligned.


Validation and Inspiration

I’d like to take a brief break from the technical posts to talk a little bit about community. As I write this, I’m currently heading back to Denver from SQL Saturday Phoenix. As with other SQL Saturdays I have attended, this was a fun event with lots of great learning and camaraderie with my fellow SQL geeks. This is a bit of a love letter to those geeks, but I wanted share with you some of the impact this event had on me.


As with everything else I’ve done in 2015, my presentation at this event was Powershell related.  I gave a presentation on Powershell Tips and Tricks for SQL Server DBAs for the third time this year and was pretty pleased with my execution. What blew me away was the reception from the audience. I had a ton of positive feedback and comments and could tell the attendees really appreciated what I shared with them.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want to convey to you why you should present and the benefits of it. It’s more than just having your ego stroked or getting that pat on the back (though those don’t hurt). When you share your knowledge, you have an immediate and profound impact on other people’s careers. Each and every one of us has something that others can benefit from.  We need to share it. To know that I showed my audience a better way to do their jobs and help them step up to another level is extremely gratifying.

Much is made of technical presentations being used as a vehicle for advancing your career. They are also a vehicle to advance the careers of your peer group. The great thing is the more we help each other, the more we help ourselves and make our skills and abilities stronger. I could see this in the gratitude of my audience and the feedback they gave me from my session.


What I like most about technical conferences is not just the education and the sessions. These are valuable for both the presenters and attendees, but the true value is gained in the conversations that happen around the event. This is why it’s so important to make time to talk with the other people at these events, to chat with speakers, and to avail yourself of the social aspects. You’ll find inspiration for solving problems at work, developing new strategies for your current position, or defining the next moves in your career.

I had several such conversations while I was at the event. Coming away from this SQL Saturday, I was able to help some of my peers with strategies and ideas for their blogs, their presentations, and their jobs. Beyond that, though, I was inspired for other things I could do to both improve myself and my career.

One example was a conversation with Amy Herold(@texasamy), where we talked a lot about Powershell and automation. She gave me a few ideas that I could further develop and we talked about some projects we could collaborate on. I’ve got some exciting ideas that I hope to work with Amy on over the next few months that will help both of us grow.

It’s hard to have these kind of conversations during our day-to-day jobs. Since we’re usually only one of a couple people (or maybe the lone gunman) doing data work in our jobs, it’s difficult to bounce ideas off of others and get that inspiration. You’d be amazed at what kind of thoughts you will get when you have really smart people to talk with.


The reason SQL Saturdays are such great events is it allows the greater SQL community to share, connect and learn with one another. If you haven’t been to a SQL Saturday, I strongly encourage you to go. I know it’s sometimes tough, being on a weekend when some of us would rather be getting along with our non-database lives.  I want you to think about what you could do with your career, though, if you gave up that one weekend. Where could you go if you could have that kind of free learning. Most of all, how much better will you be by plugging in to the SQL community and feeding off the energy and knowledge you can find at these events. Building your career is more than just learning, it’s collaborating and sharing. SQL Saturdays give you all of this in spades.