This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is graciously hosted by Wayne Sheffield(@DBAWayne) and is a topic near to my heart: Powershell. I’ve blogged about Powershell before, occasionally sharing some code. I’m excited to share some more and fit it into the blog party.
I hate clicking buttons in Windows. It’s inefficient for me, especially considering I grew up typing commands at a prompt. Also, I’m one of those lazy DBAs, so when I get a chance to kick off a script to do work while I’m drinking some Earl Grey, I’ll jump at it. This is not only why I’m a fan of Powershell, but I’m also a huge proponent of unattended SQL installs.
In my environment, I have a six node failover cluster which hosts all of the company’s SQL instances. This means that whenever I have to install a new instance to the cluster, I need to perform a cluster node install 5 times. Suffice to say, this is tedious. So I said to myself:
“Self, isn’t there a better way to do this?”
“Quite right! Unattended installs are easy, we just have to run the node install once, take that .ini to the other machines, and we can do 4 command line installs!”
“I don’t know, self. It’s not like much is changing between instance installs, so running setup twice (once for the full install and once for the first cluster node) still seems like to much work. To the PoSH mobile!”
See, a lot of my scripting experience comes from the *nix world. Search and replace logic is pretty easy using sed and awk. The beauty of Powershell is that, since everything is an object, I don’t even have to mess with that funky syntax. I can just leverage the .replace() method of a regular ol’ string variable. This lead me to the following solution:
- Create a template .ini file for adding a node. This template contains all my basic node options and stubs for the replaceable values.
- Write a Powershell script that takes that template and some inputs from me, does some basic search and replace, then spits out a custom .ini for my cluster node install.
- Use that .ini for the /CONFIGURATIONFILE parameter in an install and *bam*.
I won’t bore you with the whole template file, you can download it and look at it here. Where the real “magic” (such as it is) is the following(downloadable):
<# .SYNOPSIS Creates an .ini for adding a cluster node based off of the add_node_template.ini .DESCRIPTION Takes the add_node_template.ini and performs a text replace to insert passed values for Server, Instance, and service account information. .PARAMETER <paramName> -server - Server name of the virtual network name -instance - Named instance name -sqlsvc - SQL Server Service account -sqlpwd - SQL Server Service password -agtsvc - SQL Server Agent account -agtpwd - SQL Server Agent password .EXAMPLE .\Create-NodeIni.ps1 -server "FOO" -instance "BAR01" -sqlsvc "EMINENT\sqlsvc" -sqlpwd "password" -agtsvc "EMINENT\sqlasvc" -agtpwd "password" #> param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $instance, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $sqlsvc, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $sqlpwd, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $agtsvc, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $agtpwd) $output="$server`_$instance`_addnode.ini" (Get-Content "add_node_template.ini") | Foreach-Object{ $_ -replace "<SRV>",$server ` -replace "<INST>",$instance ` -replace "<AGTACCT>",$agtsvc ` -replace "<AGTPWD>",$agtpwd ` -replace "<SQLACCT>",$sqlsvc ` -replace "<SQLPWD>",$sqlpwd } | Set-Content $OUTPUT
While there’s a lot going on here, it’s the last seven lines where the work gets done. The Get-Content comandlet reads in the template file, then gets piped to the Foreach-Object commandlet to process each line of the file. This works because when you make a text file a string object in Powershell, it becomes a multi-value array where each line is an array member. Then the script executes several different replaces (wherever it finds matches for my stubs) on each member. The result is piped to the Set-Content commandlet, writing out the new post-replace array out to a new file.
It’s a simple trick, but with this I not only save myself a ton of time by generating files for SQL installs, I also make my installations consistent. Every node install is run with the same options and selections. Human error is reduced and increased tea time is provided. Future enhancements would be to update my templates so I can generate the initial SQL install .ini, but since I do so few instance installs, it’s not really worth the effort at this point. Plus, it looks like someone is already working on that.
Enjoy the rest of T-SQL Tuesday. Plenty of great people are contributing and the great thing about Powershell is there are so many ways it can be used. I hope that our scripts will not only get you excited about learning Powershell yourself, but give you some great ideas on how you can leverage it for your own success.