My current gig has me working a lot with Availability Groups. I love the options they give me with their ability to failover fast and replicate my data to other servers. It is a lot of peace of mind for high availability and data protection. The price of all this comes from a much more complex system to manage and the extra considerations needed to have a properly deployed Availability Group.
One such consideration is your SQL Agent Jobs. It is pretty well documented that your server level objects must be replicated or created outside of the actual Availability Group process. It’s not difficult, but must be thought about and addressed when setting up a server. If you source control your management jobs, then it should be a simple matter of executing a script to create these jobs on a new server. There are cases, though, where either jobs get out of sync or are created outside of the source control process. When this happens, administrators need to copy these jobs to the other servers.
The common way to accomplish this is to simply script out the job in Managment Studio, then run the script on the other nodes. While effective, this is also manual and prone to error, such as forgetting a server.
By automating this process, we can ensure consistency. You can use Powershell to leverage the SMO and the .Script() method to basically duplicate your Management Studio action. However, by using this and incorporating it into a script, we can ensure our consistency. The following function is a pretty basic use of this that allows you to copy a single job from a source server to any number of targets:
function Copy-SQLAgentJob{ param([string]$Source ,[string[]]$Targets ,[string]$JobName) #Load assemblies [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null $smosource = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $Source $JobScript = $smosource.JobServer.Jobs[$JobName].Script() foreach($Target in $Targets){ $smotarget = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $Target if($smotarget.JobServer.Jobs.Name -notcontains $JobName){ $smotarget.Databases['msdb'].ExecuteNonQuery($JobScript) } } }
All this function does is find the source job, script it out, and then run that job creation script against all the other targets. Simple enough. One thing to call out is I’ve specifically written this function to stay completely within the SMO. Normally, I would use Invoke-SqlCmd to execute the SQL script, but I thought it simpler to use the SMO .ExecuteNonQuery() method (which runs a SQL batch and does not expect a return).
Now let’s implement this for a hypothetical Availability Group to copy from one node to all the others:
$PrimaryNode = 'PICARD' $nodes = (Get-ClusterNode -Cluster (Get-Cluster $PrimaryNode).Name | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne $PrimaryNode}).name Copy-SQLAgentJob -Source $PrimaryNode -Targets $nodes -JobName 'Backup Databases - Powershell'
Of course, we could also use this in a much simpler fashion, such as deploying a new job across all of our servers. Remember the Central Management Server trick I’ve implemented in the past? We can fold that in here for an easy deployment once we’ve created the job on a single server in our environment.
$CMS=’PICARD’ $servers=@((dir "SQLSERVER:\SQLRegistration\Central Management Server Group\$CMS").Name) $servers+=$cms Copy-SQLAgentJob -Source $CMS -Targets $Servers -JobName 'Backup Databases - Powershell'
As always, the lesson learned here is to leverage our tools to make more our work more repeatable and consistent. While everything we have done here can be done in other methods, I prefer this because it minimizes the interaction needed to accomplish the task. The more any of us have to touch a process to get work done, the greater our risk of error. You’ve heard it before: consistency through automation, this time for SQL Agent jobs.