A common question that comes up for SQL Server administrators is “how do I measure performance”? This is a tough question and there are a variety of ways to do this. Just off the top of my head, you could measure wait statistics, logical reads and writes for a query, or query duration. When we talk about system performance, we need more general metrics and the one that business folks tend to look at is transactions per second.
For SQL Server, this metric is captured within the SQL Server performance counters. There are actually two counters you could use: Batch Requests/sec and Transactions/sec. There’s some significant differences between these two counters and this SQL Magazine article covers them both in great detail. For my work, I like to go with Batch Requests/sec because it captures more transactions going on within the instance, making it a more informative value for measuring system performance.
What’s the best way to capture this? Setting up a perfmon data collection is pretty easy, but then we have to manage creating the collection, then manage the output, and making sense of it. This can be a bear to handle and take a fair amount of manual work to get in place, especially if we just need a quick check on what’s going on in the system.
Powershell provides the Get-Counter cmdlet to query Windows perfmon counters, allowing us rapid access to the information without a lot of hassle. With this cmdlet we can easily measure system performance:
Get-Counter -Counter '\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec'
The output is a PerformanceCounterSampleSet object that is a collection of samples for the call. Using the above command only gives us a single sample, so that makes it simple. We’ll talk about multiple samples in a bit.
The key properties of a sample to focus on are:
- Timestamp – When the sample was collected
- RawValue – Running cumulative counter for the object
- CookedValue – The “actual” value, based on the calculating the previous RawValue and the current RawValue.
For reference, if you’ve ever looked at these values in sys.dm_os_performance_counters you have seen the RawValue. This means you are also probably used to doing your own math to measuring these values. Powershell and the perfmon object model will do this math for us, making it easier for us to use.
How do we leverage this for quickly measuring our instance’s transaction performance? I’ve put together the following function to do this for me. The approach is simple: I give it an instance name and a duration in seconds, and my code will build a Get-Counter call to calculate the Batch Requests/sec information on my instance.
function Get-SQLTxnCount{ param([string]$InstanceName='localhost' ,[int]$DurationSec) $smo = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $InstanceName $ComputerName = $smo.ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS $Samples = [Math]::Ceiling($DurationSec/5) $output = New-Object System.Object if($smo.InstanceName -gt 0){ $Counters = @('\MSSQL`$'+$smo.InstanceName+':SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec') } else{ $Counters = @('\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec') } $Txns = Get-Counter -ComputerName $ComputerName -Counter $Counters -SampleInterval 5 -MaxSamples $samples $Summary=$Txns.countersamples | Measure-Object -Property CookedValue -Minimum -Maximum -Average $output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name InstanceName -Value $smo.DomainInstanceName $output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name AvgTxnPerSecond -Value $Summary.Average $output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinTxnPerSecond -Value $Summary.Minimum $output | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MaxTxnPersecond -Value $Summary.Maximum return $Output } Get-SQLTxnCount -InstanceName 'PICARD' -DurationSec 30
This function expands on the simple Get-Counter call in a couple ways. First, I make sure I’ve narrowed the counters to only the specific named instance I want to measure. The second change is to the duration of the test and calculation of how many 5 second samples will be collected over that duration. Finally, I create a custom output with the Measure-Object cmdlet to show the minimum, maximum, and average Batch Requests/sec for my samples. This all comes together as a simple transactional measurement for my instance.
This isn’t a replacement for detailed benchmarks and analysis. For this, I recommend some of what Laerte Junior(@LaerteSQLDBA) has written. He has a much more detailed overview of Get-Counter and using it with SQL Server that I would highly recommend (P.S. His article gave me my start on this function). Benchmarks are extremely important and necessary to make the information coming out of my function useful.
Just like a carpenter has his square or tape measure, this function lets me measure my SQL Server with just a few keystrokes. I still need the full context of what’s happening on my instance, but at least I’ll know the dimensions without a lot effort or additional work. I challenge you to start thinking about your own Powershell in the same way. Don’t think of simply creating scripts, consider how you can take your work and build out your own squares, calipers, or other tools to improve your skills as a craftsman.
[…] my friend Mike Fal ( b | t ) released a PowerShell script that can sample the counter inside SQL Server that one of my favorite database benchmarking utilities, HammerDB, uses to […]
What can be the reason HammerDB reports 75000TPM whilst the get-counter reports 1134 ?
I know baseling is most important to get a clue about your environments, but one gets some doubts if measured values are that different.
Is my 4-core VM performing OK or not ?
[…] while back, my friend Mike Fal ( b | t ) released a PowerShell script that can sample the counter inside SQL Server that one of my favorite database benchmarking utilities, HammerDB, uses to […]