Last time we met (ah, such a wonderful time), I did a once over of my accomplishments for 2012. While I was pleased with the results, we must remember that career development is an ongoing process. With 2012 in the review mirror, it’s time to put my 2013 goals to paper.
I’m not going to lie, I really enjoy presenting. It’s addictive and makes me think the tests are right(ENTJ, by the way). I pushed myself to the edge on this last year by speaking at 5 SQL Saturdays, 2 Virtual Chapter meetings, a handful of user group meetings, and Rally. This was a good stretch, so no reason not to match it. In 2013, I will aim to:
- Speak at 4 SQL Saturdays (and I’ve already got 3 on the books, which will be number 4???)
- Submit to speak at the PASS Summit.
- 3 chapter presentations (a mix of virtual and “meat-space”).
Note, I’m just submitting to Summit. I have no illusions about this one, many people tried for years before they were accepted. I need to get my foot in the water and start beefing up my presentations to Summit quality. No, I won’t be doing Bob Ward(@bobwardms) or Adam Machanic(@adammachanic) level stuff, I’m quite happy in the 100-300 range, but I feel there’s a real need for that sort of stuff in the community and I plan to bring my A game.
Ugh. Blogging is what I struggle with. Not that I don’t have things to write about or I dislike writing, it’s more that I dislike making time to write. It feels like homework (and it is, after a fashion). Blogging, however, is a GREAT way to get ideas out of your head and self-document your work. To that point, I plan on:
- Blogging once a week. (ALWAYS commit to a regular schedule)
- Continue to focus on automation and monitoring.
- Blog about my server inventory and automated restore testing processes.
In general, I’m in the camp that certification doesn’t necessarily prove competency. Many of the smartest people I know don’t have any certifications at all. However, I agree with Glenn Berry(@glennalanberry) that self-acquired certifications (i.e., you didn’t go to a boot camp) show a willingness to go the extra step, much like community involvement. Also, having them doesn’t hurt your resume, an overall net gain in almost any case. My plan for 2013:
- Get the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) by June.
- Get the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert(MCSE): Data Platform by end of year.
Seeeeeeeeeeeekrit Project
Wow, how’s that for vague? That’s intentional, as I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but I want to put this to paper to hold myself accountable. Basically, I had a really cool idea at this year’s Summit and I really want to go for it. Keep your eyes open for more on this throughout the year.
It’s Gonna Be HUGE
As you can see, I’m loading up on 2013 like a starving man at an all you can eat buffet. It’s exciting and intimidating, but most of all, it’s achievable. Nothing on this list is out of my reach. Also, many of these things fold into one another, such as my presentations meshing with my blogging meshing with my seekrit project (ah HA! Parallelization!). I’m ready to take it all on, ‘cause it’s gonna be awesome!
Good list, Mike. Hope to see you at a few events this year.
Good luck Mike…!