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A Month of SQLPS: Other Common cmdlets

Yesterday we looked at how you can navigate and retrieve items in the SQL Server provider using common Powershell cmdlets like Get-ChildItem and Set-Location. These are part of a set of core cmdlets that are implemented across providers to give a consistent experience to users. The remaining two cmdlets that we did not cover handle […]

A Month of SQLPS – Common Powershell cmdlets in SQLPS

One of the reasons to create a provider is so administrators have a common interface for using a section of the Windows ecosystem. Whether it’s the file system, the registry, or some other slice of the stack, you should be able to use a provider to browse, explore, and manipulate that part of Windows in […]

A Month of SQLPS: SMO Building Blocks

So far, we’ve covered how to start up SQLPS and some of how we can navigate within the provider. These are the first few steps along the path of using SQL Server and Powershell together. Next is to understand how it works behind the scenes. SQLPS makes a lot more sense once you understand how it’s […]

A Month of SQLPS: The Provider

Next up in my series on the SQLPS module is to talk about the fundamentals of the provider. This is the core of the SQL Server module, providing an extension to the shell for managing and working with SQL Server. Providers intended togive administrators a file system-like interface for a part of the Windows ecosystem, […]

A Month of SQLPS: Getting Started

Time for me to get off the bench and start blogging again. What better way to go than to explore the oft-maligned SQL Server Powershell module, SQLPS. Over the course of the next month-ish, I want to explore the SQLPS module, the cmdlets it provides, and the functionality within the provider. We’ll look at the […]

#Powershell and SQL Server: SQLPS Challenges and Hurdles

Over the last two posts, I’ve covered what the SQLPS provider is and how you can get started with it. Now it’s time for other side of the story. If you’ve started working with the provider or done some reading on the web, various hurdles have probably popped up. These hurdles can frustrate and discourage […]

#Powershell and SQL Server: Using the SQLPS Provider

In the previous post, I gave an overview of what the SQLPS provider is and how it works. Now I want to pull back the curtains a bit and demonstrate how you can navigate the provider and use it effectively for managing your SQL Server instances. For those new to Powershell, this can be an […]

#Powershell and SQL Server: The SQLPS Provider

One of the key entry points for using Powershell and SQL Server is the SQLPS provider. If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you’ve seen me make use of the provider for one task or another. It’s an incredibly useful tool and can help you manage some basic tasks in SQL […]

Defending Invoke-SqlCmd

Twitter. It can be annoying, it can be frivolous, but you’d be surprised at how many times it gives me a blog topic. This time around, I was having a back and forth with some folks about Invoke-SqlCmd. I had recommended someone try using it, which was followed by a lot of people griping about […]

Using #PowerShell to Restore to a New Location

Now that I’ve gotten some of my thought pieces out of my brain, I wanted to get back to some more technical posts, starting with some simpler techniques for people trying to figure out how to use SQL Server and PowerShell together. I know that a lot of database pros are starting to understand the […]