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personal development

So about that time management…

Yesterday I read an interesting post by the inimitable Brent Ozar (b|t) on time management.  Good stuff, much of which I already do or try to do.  Shortly after reading it, I had a brief Twitter exchange with Brent and Steve Jones(b|t), essentially on whether or not these were just rules for consultants or if they worked for us corporate folks as well.  Personally, it’s been my experience that not only can you follow these rules, but that you really should if you don’t want to burn out and still accomplish your goals.

First off, if you haven’t read Brent’s post, go read it.  I’ll wait.

<Time passes>

Cool, now that you have context, I want to basically give my thoughts on each of the rules and how I put them into practice in my own work day.

#1 Decide you want to be incredible – One of my favorite tweets from @FAKEGRIMLOCK is “BE SELF.  ITERATE UNTIL AWESOME.”  The first rule is really that simple.  You don’t have to change who you are, you don’t have tap into some hidden fount of knowledge…you just need to be yourself, awesomely.  This is something that can be done in a corporate job as easily as anywhere.

#2 Never budget less than whole day increments of time – Let’s not take this one quite so literally.  What I take from this is to devote blocks of time to my tasks and reduce distractions.  Whether it’s 4 hours or 2 or 8 (if I can get away with it), I use that block ONLY for the designated task.  Don’t multi-task, because it becomes harder to focus and get things done.  The key is to reduce/eliminate distractions.

Distractions come in many forms:  Meetings, on-call pages, emergency 20 hour conference bridges, people coming by your cube to chat, etc.  We can’t plan for them and they are probably the biggest threat to getting stuff done.  This is the balancing act, the biggest challenge for time management.  I’m actually going to steal some NoSQL terminology to outline how I approach this:

  • Map – Map out my time, schedule my work.  If I’ve got 2 hours, I plan to put 2 hours into a project.  Don’t work on anything else.  Keep in mind, sometimes the work is planning out your other work.
  • Reduce – Do work that reduces your other work.  Can you build better maintenance for your systems?  Can you communicate with people outside of meetings?  Take control of your time and put effort into removing the distractions that could disrupt you.

#3 Leave one whole day per week to do absolutely nothing – For me, this translates to one word:  disconnect.  We live in an a world and a culture where it’s easy to always be working, where we’re checking our email constantly, looking at alerts, responding to internal customers, monitoring our servers.  Why?  The world and the company will go on without you for a while, take a break for yourself when you need to.

IT has a reputation for burning people out, but I think that’s because people let the job control them instead of the other way around.  Take a break, breathe, and do something else.  Life is too short, you need to remember that we work so that we can do the stuff we enjoy.  Fortunately for many of us, we enjoy our work, but that can’t be the entire definition of who we are.  And if you’re working a job where your boss expects that?  Time to get a new job.  There are companies out there that respect the work/balance, go work for them.  You’ll feel better for it.

#4 Leave one more solid day to pounce on incredible opportunities – Not much else to say here, though I would add that incredible opportunities can happen inside your company, they don’t just come from without.  Also, some opportunities are self-generated.  An example from my work:  My job doesn’t have any formal SLA’s defined for the database team.  I saw the need and am driving that project.  My bosses and co-workers are taking note of my initiative.  Sometimes pouncing on an opportunity is simply being a leader.

#5 If the incredible opportunity runs more than a few weeks, it’s work – Maintain your balance.  When you take on additional projects or tasks, make sure they fit into the overall scheme that is your work/life pie chart.

#6 Say no early and forcefully to everything else – Much has been written about the necessity of the 40 hour work week.  Since we can’t do everything, at some point we need to be able to say “no”.  This is the hardest piece, especially in a corporate environment where you have a team that depends on you or management you want to impress.  However, you’re only human and sometimes work just isn’t going to get done.  This actually loops back to #3, because if we take on more than we’re capable of doing, everything else suffers.

Let’s not confuse this with neglecting what the company requires of us.  There are times we’re going to need to work on things we may not like (stupid SSRS).  What we need, as corporate employees, is the freedom to cry “uncle!” when there’s too much on our plates.  Sometimes it’s having a teammate take on that extra project, others it’s pushing out deadlines.  Really, all we’re trying to manage here is our overall workload so we’re not trying to do too much.

And if you’re working a job that won’t let you say “no”, that doesn’t trust you enough to accept a “no”, then maybe it’s time for a new job.  Just sayin’.

I think Brent’s rules are a great and hopefully this puts a little more perspective around them.  While my personal approach is worded differently, I think the main principles are the same.  What’s important is that there’s no reason why you can’t follow these rules in a corporate world, that these aren’t just for consultants.  Sure, you won’t follow them to the letter, but that’s not the point.  The goal is that too often we let our time manage us when it should be the other way around.  Turn that corner, take control, and you’ll find everything changes for the better.

(Yeah, cheesy end, but sometimes it’s like that.  Thanks for reading!)

T-SQL Tuesday #28 (#tsql2sday): Jacks and Aces

DBA. I’ll be honest, there are times I *hate* that title. People toss it around without really understanding what it means. Heck, how many of us specialize in backups, monitoring, and high availability solutions only to get a call from a recruiter who has an “immediate need” for an expert in SSRS and cube design. Unfortunately, this is a direct result of non-database folks not really understanding what we do. They simply see “database” on our resume and figure that if a database is involved, we know how to handle it.

We’re often considered a Jack-of-all-trades, the IT handyman. This has evolved from the roles we have to play in our careers and how so many of “fell” into a database career. The rule of thumb is that the smaller the shop, the greater our breadth of knowledge needs to be. While I’ve been a SQL Server administrator for over ten years now, my job responsibilities have required me to learn something about networking, Windows server administration, .Net development, report writing, and Oracle administration (amongst many, many other topics). Because so many things touch a database, we’re expected to understand all of these different pieces as well as the database itself.

The problem with all this is that it’s more than any one person can really know. With SQL Server becoming more and more complex (a good thing, by the way), it’s hard enough for us to keep up with that platform alone. Since it’s rarely an option to tell our boss “No, I can’t do that”, there’s a couple things that I’ve found help me stay ahead of the game:

  • Building your personal network. This is more than just the SQL Server community (fantastic as it is). Sure, attending user group meetings has helped me find experts in areas of SQL Server I’m not as knowledgeable in. But you’ll need more than that. I have Oracle DBA friends, hardware geek friends, sysadmin friends… get the idea. By building out this network, I always have someone I can go to if I’m out of my depth.
  • Stay educated. Sure, we spend a lot of time learning about SQL Server, but remember why we get into this business in the first place. Technology is cool, so keep learning about it. Pay attention to trends and tech so that when your boss comes to you about something, you won’t be caught by surprise. And if you *are* surprised, don’t sweat it, but make some time that day to read up on whatever they were talking about.
  • Write it down. When you do something, document it! So many people bemoan documentation, but the cold hard truth is you’re going to forget something when your focus gets completely shifted the next day. Being a small shop DBA means you’re going to get bounced around on a lot of different things, so you need to record what you do so that you don’t have to relearn it later.

Being a small shop DBA can be a tough gig, but it’s where most of us cut our teeth. Hindsight being 20/20, there’s a lot I’d do differently. Fortunately, Argenis Fernandiz (b|t) has given us this great T-SQL Tuesday topic for us to share with our SQL family and help others learn from our experiences.

The biggest lesson I would take out of all of this is that, while our job requires us to generalize most of the time, we can really only advance our careers when we specialize. If you’re simply treading water at your current job, pick some part of the SQL Server platform that interests you and focus on it. Once you start becoming an expert at something, opportunities will open up for you along with more interesting work and learning. That will start you along the path of moving beyond being a jack of all trades and becoming an ace in the database deck.

Upcoming Presentations

More on the how later, but I wanted to let folks know about some presenting I’ll be doing over the next couple of months. I’m extremely excited for all of this speaking and the opportunities to share with the SQL Server community.

My partitioning presentation, Eating the Elephant, is now slotted for three upcoming events:

  • PASS Virtual Performance Chapter – For those following this group, Jes Borland-Schulz(b|t) did a great presentation on filegroups last week. Partitioning will be a natural follow up to this topic and I’ll be presenting to this group on March 22.
  • PASS Virtual Data Architecture Chapter  – Tom LeBlanc(b|t) asked me to give this presentation in April 19 after we talked at SQL Saturday #104 in Colorado Springs.
  • SQL Rally in Dallas – Seriously, I’m giddy about this. The SQL Community selected me as part of the Community Choice vote and I’ll be giving this presentation sometime during the conference. For those of you interested, I blogged about the first SQL Rally last year. It’s a great event, much cheaper than the Summit, and was a fantastic boost for my career. Even if you don’t come to see my presentation (I forgive you), you really should go.

I’m extremely excited and honored that people want to hear me speak. Presenting is a lot of fun for me and very rewarding, both on a personal and professional level. It’s a vicious cycle, too, because while I’m giving the same presentation three times over the next three months, I’ve already got 2-3 more presentation ideas bubbling around in my head that I plan to give by the end of the year. Stay tuned, 2012 is turning out to be pretty awesome!

DBA Survivor: Learning how to rock out with databases

When we get a “SQL book” handed to us, it’s usually to solve a specific technical problem. Maybe you need to understand how to write a PIVOT statement, read a query plan, set up a fail over cluster, or automate something with power shell. It’s a rare occasion when we come across a book that steps back from the daily tactical struggles and gives us a strategic view of what it takes to be a DBA and where to start when thrown in to the shark infested waters of corporate database administration.

Arriving with only a little bit of fanfare (and maybe a 2-3 angel choir) is DBA Survivor by notable #sqlfamily member, Tom LaRock(b|t). It’s advertised by Tom as the book he wishes someone had handed to him when he first became “the DBA”. A fresh approach to career development, the book finds a nice middle ground between purely technical guides and the generic career success compilations. Sure, there’s some technical sections that talk about about Dynamic Management Views, performance metrics, and backups, but the real meat is the “fuzzy” bits, such as instruction on defining daily check lists, writing Service Level Agreements, handling the work/life balance, and getting involved in the community.

While I enjoyed the entire book (all 171 pages!), several key parts stuck out for me. First is the discussion about Mr. Right versus Mr. Right Now. We’ve all seen the superheroes on our teams, the guys who drop everything to fix a problem (but don’t always fix it the right way). A former boss of mine called these folks “White Knights” or, as Tom labels them, “Mr. Right Now”. Contrast this with “Mr. Right”, who is rarely seen because when he’s on the case, things don’t break. He’s the DBA that’s proactive about attacking problems before they become crises, and when things do break he fixes them such that things don’t break again. To often we get caught up in the moment, trying to put out the immediate fires, that we lose sight of the long term. I’m glad that Tom takes the time to delineate between these two roles and emphasizes that, while we need to be Mr. Right Now sometimes, our goal needs to be Mr. Right.

Secondly, it’s nice to see a database book that instructs you about the importance of disconnecting from work. We’ve all been there: 60+ hour weeks, all-nighters, the on-call shifts from hell. The IT industry can run people ragged and burn the tech love right out of them if they’re not careful. I’m glad that Tom includes a chapter on maintaining that balance between your job and your life, because this is another area that so often gets lost in the moment. Steve Jones(b|t) often talks about life being to short to work a job you don’t enjoy, and this is very much an extension of that philosophy. You can be a great DBA and not work yourself to the bone, it’s just a matter of understanding when you should put the Blackberry down.

Finally, it should be no surprise that Tom has a chapter on community. I’ll wager most of you reading this already understand the benefits of the PASS organizations and local user groups, but many folks picking this book up may not. By including a discussion on connecting through user groups and professional organizations, Tom offers the new DBA an avenue towards excellence. I’ve seen the benefits of PASS and keep catching myself saying “If I had only gotten in to this years ago….” If I had read Tom’s book then, I probably would have.

Now many folks probably think this is just a book for the junior DBA, for someone who’s just getting started, but I know this book has value for data professionals of all levels. This book is not a detailed guide or roadmap for solving specific problems, but a series of highway sign posts to get people headed in the right direction. Maybe you are a fresh DBA, looking to get in to the industry or just survive your first week on the job. Or maybe you’re like me, a career DBA who is looking to refocus my career and looking for that “big picture view”. No matter how you got here, DBA Survivor is an excellent starting point for the rest of your database career.

Preparing for 2012 (part 3)

If you missed the earlier installments, check out part 1 and/or part 2.

Getting Proactive

SQL Server is a large product and it’s getting bigger every day. Within it we have engine performance, query tuning, encryption, disaster recovery, report writing, data analysis, ETL processing…the list is a lot like the Energizer Bunny in how long it is. Trying to know all of that is pretty much impossible, so the database administrators who truly excel in the field become experts on a certain area of SQL Server and rely on their SQL family to help with the areas they may not know so well.

It’s hard to do, because in our jobs we’re usually only one of a couple folks who do what we’re do and we are expected to handle whatever gets thrown at us. I typically have to touch 4-5 distinctly different areas of our discipline just to fight the fires of the day. Like all fires, they need to be solved quickly. I can’t spend a lot of focused time learning about those different areas, because the system can’t be down or running slowly.

This, of course, ends up being a very reactive approach to learning. We only learn what we need in order to solve the problem at hand, then move on to the next one. Even then, we usually don’t learn much, just copy a script or grab a job, verify that it won’t break anything, then implement and get going. It’s continually preached (rightfully so!) that managing our databases in a reactive fashion is a recipe for disasters, all-nighters, and RGE’s, why do we think it would be any different with our education?

The challenge to myself is to stop being reactive in my learning. While it’s cool to be like a sponge in a sink, soaking up whatever is available, I’m only able to scratch the surface of whatever happens to be the topic du jour. To do that I need to take a discipline within SQL Server, focus on it, and make it my own.

Focus, Daniel-san!

Unfortunately, there’s no crane kick or leg sweep that is the magic key to my DBA success. Any number of areas would be valuable, I just have to pick one. My decision, which really only came to me in the last month, is to focus on SQL Server monitoring. The reasons are simple:

  1. In order to have the most stable environment, you need to know what’s going on in your environment. To do this, you need established baselines and systems to monitor your environment.
  2. To stop problems before they become serious, you need to have systems in place to watch for issues and deviance in your operations.
  3. You can’t start corrective action, such as adding hardware resources or query tuning, without first understanding the problem. Proper monitoring will give you the signposts to indicate what your problem is.
  4. If you want to impress the boss, the easiest way is to create reports and display the data on your environment and how it is changing. While I tend to think that doing your job well is the best way to impress the boss, your boss may not always understand how good of a job your doing unless you show him the data.

Over the next year, much of this blog will be about researching and implementing monitoring. It will include planning elements such as service level agreements (SLAs), third party monitoring tools, and reporting queries, along with other items as I come across them. Hopefully it will become more than just my brain dump area, but it might not. Either way, you should be able to follow along with the solutions and methodologies I develop and learn along with me.

Look out 2012, it’s gonna be a wild ride!

Planning for success in 2012 (part 2)

If you missed part 1, you can head over here.


In 2011, I jumped in to the presentation gig with both feet and found that I really liked it. If you’re an avid blog reader, you’ve probably heard the benefits of presentations ad infinitum. So instead of talking about those, let’s talk about why I like them so much.

First off, it’s a chance for me to study up on something I find really cool. I find databases and some of the topics in SQL Server to be really neat, most likely because I’m a geek. It’s stuff I want to learn about anyway, but since there’s a definite end point (giving the presentation), it helps me put some structure around learning an aspect of SQL Server.

Secondly, I like to talk. I’ve actually been offered criticism that I talk to much, but I figure that’s something I can work on and it’s easier to overcome chattiness than a reluctance to speak. And it’s more than just talking towards an audience in a presentation, I’ve found the best experiences I’ve had giving presentations are when there’s a good Q & A period at the end of a presentation.

Thirdly, people are genuinely appreciative of my efforts. I’ve written and talked at great length about how giving the SQL Community is, but one of the reasons it is so giving is because it’s also very thankful for the knowledge we share. I’ve received numerous compliments and “thank yous” for the sessions I’ve done, which really makes me feel good about the work I’ve been doing.

I want to continue speaking, so for the upcoming year, my second set of goals will be focused on presenting, with the following specifics:

  • Speak at 4 SQL Saturdays. Now, I’ve already got a jump on this because I’ll be speaking at SQL Saturday #104 in Colorado Springs, giving a new presentation on SQL Server partitioning.
  • Speak at SQL Rally – Dallas. Granted, this means I have to be selected, but I will be at least trying. I will submit my sessions by the end of the month and cross my fingers.

No, submitting for the PASS Summit this year is not one of my goals. I still might, but I’ll let that unfold. There’s some other items in the works, plus the nice thing about going to an event where you’re not a speaker means you can just be at the event. That’s what I liked about the 2011 summit, is I was able to experience it without worrying about obligations.

4-5 speaking engagements for the year may not seem much, but I’m finding out that speaking at user groups and SQL Saturdays can quickly beget other opportunities. By setting this goal, I establish a bar for myself, but also plenty of room on my plate for other things. In fact, I actually already have a couple things lined up already that I’m very excited about and will talk more about soon. But while I want goals that push me, I don’t want to overload myself and burn out.

Stay tuned, one more goals post coming soon!

P.S. If you can make it, we’d love to see you at SQL Saturday #104. I’ll be giving this presentation:

Eating the Elephant: SQL Server Table Partitioning – Is your table fat? Do you need to manage a table that has billions of rows within it and are overwhelmed by index rebuilds that take more than 12 hours? SQL Server’s table partitioning gives the DBA the tools to manage this beast and support very large tables in a way where index management and data retrieval does not become unwieldy. This presentation will take you step by step through choosing an appropriate partitioning key, setting up the partitioning on the table, and finally maintaining the partitions.

It will be a great time and an awesome way to kick off your SQL career in 2012!

Getting ready for 2012 (the year, not the version)

So with the new year just around the corner, I wanted to take a bit to take what I have gotten out of 2011 and use it to figure out where I’m going in 2012. While not to bore you with the details, 2011 was an explosion of career development, with the following highlights:

  • Regular user group attendance
  • Blogging (if somewhat ireggularly)
  • 6 Presentations given (3 at local user group meetings, 2 at SQL Saturdays, 1 internal)
  • Attending the PASS Summit
  • New job!

This has been good stuff and very fulfilling, but it’s felt a little about throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. While that works for a bit, it can wear you out quickly, so now it’s time for me to sit down and refine my focus a little more. After giving it some thought, I’ve found three general things (for lack of a better description) that I want to emphasize in the next year to drive my career even more than what I’ve done in the past year. I’m going to break these posts up over the next two weeks so that I’m not writing a novel, but I’m really excited about this next phase of my career that the new year will bring.


When I went to the Summit, I sat in on a session with some “big names” talking about becoming a linchpin at your job. There was lots of great material out of the session, but the thing that really kind of stuck with me was something Kevin Kline talked about, and that’s what adjectives you want to be used when others talk about you. I’ve been thinking about this ever since, trying to decide what I want those to be. It’s hard, because we want to be all sorts of great things, but the cliché holds true: You can’t be all things to all people.

So now that I’ve had almost two months to think about it, I’ve come up with four words that describe want I want to be. Some of these already describe me, but some I need to work on. But in no particular order:

  • Smart – This is the easy one and something we all want to be. However, this just isn’t about knowing stuff, but also about knowing how to do stuff. A comment I’ve heard about me at work is that if someone comes to me with a problem and I don’t know it, I know how to get the answer. People know they can rely on me to answer their questions and help them with their problems.
  • Creative – It’s one thing to know stuff, it’s another thing to do something with it. Sure, we can all create log backups, design replication strategies, or performance tune queries, but not everything fits in the magic flowchart of all answers. Almost every company does something different, and as data professionals our challenge is to take the various bits of knowledge we have and craft them into elegant, repeatable solutions.
  • Reliable – I want my co-workers and customers to know that they can depend on me. This is a little different than being the go-to-guy or “Mr. Fixit”, as I don’t want to be the superhero that people always look for to save them from their data problems. As Tom LaRock describes in his book, I want to be Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now. (If this doesn’t make sense, read his book. Really.)
  • Professional – This is one that I feel like I struggle with. I want to improve how the people around me see me from a professional sense. For many years, I was that guy who just wanted to sit at his desk and write code, to be left alone by the outside world. That’s a very career limiting goal, honestly. If you dress and act like you want to be left alone and not noticed, you will be left alone and not noticed. I do want my managers to notice me, I want my coworkers and customers to respect me, I want to rise above. This quantifies into a lot of little things, like dressing a little nicer, making sure I show up to meetings on time, taking on some additional projects.

These adjectives, more or less, form the core principles for my career. No matter what, this is who I want to be. Everything else in my career will build on this, and while I’ll be far from the perfect DBA, those around me will know what the can expect from me and what kind of resource I will be.

Watch for part two in a couple of days!

In the land of Jazz and Meat

I’ve been on the SQL Saturday kick lately.  Truly, these are great events that really tell you what the SQL community is all about, even more so than the Summit.  This time I was at SQL Saturday Kansas City, getting my community involvement on.  The best thing about these events is you get to interact with folks who are getting their first taste of the SQL community, which gets me really excited to share and enjoy.

I was tapped to present on two sessions, my SQL Server Security session (which I’ve done several times now) and my new Query Plan Primer session, where I do a basic rundown of reading query plans and some of the operators we can find within.  Both went well, though I’ve got my presentations lined up to be ~60 minutes each and the KC folks slotted the sessions to be 75 minutes.  This worked out well becuase I got into some good Q & A time with the audience in the remaining time.

I’m getting more and more comfortable with the whole presentation thing. It’s a ton of fun and really stretches my learning.  As I’ve told many people, the act of building a presentation really drives you, getting you to study up on the subject matter.  Open Q & A time is also a bonus, because while you can read all that material and build a nice little presentation, having 30 people quiz you on it is even better because it forces you to think about the subject from different angles.

I also attended a couple sessions that were good.  But it worked in Dev! with the illustrious Randy Knight(b|t) was great fun.  Randy’s a heck of a speaker and was able to express some of the cardinal development sins we find in our production environments in a straightforward, understandable way.  His presentation is that kind that needs to be given at any shop with a serious developer presence.  I caught a solid powershell session by Mike Lynn(t) that was a good introduction to the fundamentals of the language.  Finally, I learned about service broker from Sanil Mhatre(b|t).  Service broker is one of those cool solutions that has a lot to offer, but it’s hard to find the right problem for it to solve.

The KC group did a solid job with the event, from a comfortable speaker dinner, to an excellent event venue, and wrapped it all up with smooth exection.  Shout outs to Bill Graziano(b|t), Bill Fellows(b|t), Kris Nessa(b|t), Andy Cross, and everyone I couldn’t remember.  You guys have got this <<redacted>> DOWN.  I’ll definitely try to be out for next year.

A month of #sqlawesomesauce

Woof.  Can’t believe I got through October.  No, scratch that.  I can’t believe I scheduled so MUCH for October.  Really, I should know better, but when life hands you a plate of coolness, you dive in with both hands.  Yeah, we’ve all had those times when we go a little overboard on the things we like and end up paying for it, but is it ever not worth it???

So what happened?  Well, I had two SQL events this month that I thoroughly enjoyed.  In reverse order, I did two presentations and enjoyed awesome barbecue at SQL Saturday 101.  But before that, I made it to the SQL PASS Summit.  There’s no way I can properly convey how much fun this all was, but I’ll give you guys the quick hits as best I can.  I’m going to break the wrap ups into a two parter, just because I talk to much to assault you with THAT wall of text.

Climbing the Summit

So I finally made it.  The PASS Summit.  The big hoop-de-doo.  Was it worth it?  HELLS YES.  By the end, I was felt like my brain and body had been put through a meat grinder, but I knew more and was ready to do more when I got back to my job on Monday.

Before we start talking about the details, I want to impress upon you almost how overwhelming the summit is.  There’s so much going on that if/when you go, you’re going to be running non-stop for the hours you are awake.  Starting at breakfast, then the key notes, then the sessions, then the lunch, then more sessions, then the after parties…..woof.  It’s crazier than an unhappy on-call week.  But believe me when I say it’s absolutely worthwhile.


Tagging along with the previous comment, you may look at the schedule and want to attend something in each time slot,but it ain’t gonna happen.  There’s to much other stuff going on outside of the presentations for you to make everything.  I tried to make about 75% of the time slots.  The highlights were:

  • Internals of TempDB with Bob Ward – This session about broke my brain, but it was a good pain.  Bob really drilled into what goes on in TempDB.  While the information may not have a direct impact on my day to day work, it was still plenty valuable.
  • Bug or Feature with Itzik Ben-Gan – Man, Ben-Gan is an AWESOME speaker.  Funny, clear, and concise.  I hope he does a pre-con next year because I absolutely want to hear him for more than just an hour.  This particular session was a good insight in to how T-SQL is interpreted by the engine and covers a lot of those odd situations you might see with odd code.
  • Are you a linchpin? with the superstars – This was a panel discussion on professional development by all the big names:  LaRock, Ozar, Misner, and others.  It was a nice back and forth discussion about taking charge of your career.  I especially liked Kevin Kline commenting on “what adjectives do you want people to describe you with”, which got me thinking about many things.  More on that later.

The biggest problem with the sessions is that there are so many great ones to choose from, so you’ll definitely want to get the DVDs after all is said and done.  Pick the ones you REALLY want to go to and make sure you leave some downtime in between.


This was mostly a disappointment for me.  The first day’s keynote was a big letdown with product announcements.  I know everyone was hoping for a concrete Denali (now 2012) release date, and unfortunately when that didn’t come everything else seemed weak.  Some of the Hadoop stuff was mildly interesting, but I would have been a lot more interested if I had first seen the Dewitt keynote which really explained just what the big deal with Hadoop was.  Much of the BI/reporting stuff was lost on me.  So much so that I decided to sleep in a little the next day and skip the Thursday keynote.

Friday was a different story.  I had been hearing everyone talk about how awesome Dewitt was and I was looking forward to it, but I was also wondering if anything could live up to the hype.  Fear not, gentle reader, it lived up and then some.  Dewitt spoke on Big Data, explaining NoSQL databases and how they matched up to the traditional relational database systems.  Overall, it was very enlightening.  I went in sort of knowing what NoSQL was, I came out having no questions about it.  Very eye opening and I would recommend the keynote to anyone wondering what NoSQL was and how it does its work.


The parties and socializing were mostly hit with a couple misses.  On Monday, the event at Lowell’s was a great start to the week because I was able to reconnect with many of my SQL friends nationwide.  Tuesday was a mix, because the first timers stuff was very well done.  The organizers really went out of their way to welcome in the new class.  I got to meet many of my personal SQL heroes, mostly through random chance.  Of course, what I love about the SQL community is that every person was so approachable.  I’ve yet to encounter elitism at any event.

Wednesday night and Thursday night was nothing truly official, just hanging out with different groups of folks.  There were only a couple real regrets:

  •  Not getting out to hang with the SQL Karaoke crowd.
  •  Not shooting better pool at the Tap House.
  •  To many friends to hang out with, not enough time.

Odds and Ends

Here’s a few random hits from the week of what worked and didn’t work:

  • Using a tablet for notes as opposed to paper or a PC was a big win.  Lugging a PC would have been a big hassle and the tablet really gave me good consolidation of my notes electronically.
  •  Bring business cards!  I didn’t hand out that many, but they are a huge networking tool!
  •  Next year, I need to leave on Saturday.  Leaving Friday night was a drag socially and physically.
  •  Make sure to plan a day ahead of the conference to do some touristy things.  Seattle is a great town, get a chance to experience some of it and don’t wrap everything up in the conference.

Maybe size is everything!

I just want to get this across:  The summit is huge!  Just like it can’t be described in one or even two blog posts, it’s almost more than one person can attend.  It’s enriching and a great experience, but you really have to pace yourself and realize that you’re not going to be able to get to everything.  And that’s fine, because everything you do go to will benefit you in some way.

Oh, and one last thing.  I know a lot of people struggle with paying for this and trying to talk their companies into sending them.  I have the same problem.  In fact, so much so that I sent myself.  That’s right, I was totally self funded.  That meant I had to be careful on some stuff and not go to pre-cons like I wanted to, but trust me when I say I got my money’s worth.  I want my company to send me since it’s to their benefit as well, but when everything is said and done, this is another investment in my career that I am happy and willing to make.

See you next year!

Performing your presentation

If I asked you when was the last time you went to an awesome rock show or movie, I’m betting that not only do you remember the day, but probably also remember how excited you got. Maybe it was Rush, getting you to move to the beat and sing along with the lyrics, or Captain America, cheering while he took on the Red Skull. I’m sure we all can think back to some artist that got us excited about their art because they put their heart and soul into their performance. Now what if I told you that giving a presentation isn’t really that much different?

For those unaware, I am a musician as well as a database administrator. I studied Bass Trombone performance at the University of Colorado at Boulder and have played in several jazz bands, orchestras, and chamber groups over the years. Sometimes it was a large gathering, other times we probably could have taken the audience in a fight. Every one of these was great, though, because of the rush I got playing music for people and sharing with them some of what I felt when I got to play.

Recently I’ve started doing SQL presentations, trying to build that professional development thing. I’ve enjoyed it and had a reasonable amount of success(well, no one’s thrown rotten fruit at me yet), but it struck me how similar giving a presentation is to a musical performance. I’ve found that just live I’ve tried to share the excitement I feel about music with an people who come to listen to me, when I give a presentation I’ve got the chance to share with people something that I found within SQL Server that’s cool and fun (in a geeky sort of way).

If you look at presentations you have given, I’m sure you can think of the parallels of preparation and practice, both of which take so much of a musicians time. The time spent building slide decks, researching minutiae, and talking in front of a mirror with a stop watch are so very much like a musician studying a score, practicing etudes, and doing breathing exercises. Most of an artist’s life is spent getting ready for that performance. It’s often lost in the mix is done on stage that really brings a song or a show to life.

I want you to think about that last great rock show or movie you went to. You know, the one that had you dancing in the crowd, cheering the hero, or singing along with the band. Musicians find ways to reach out and involve the crowd, so that their audience doesn’t just feel like they’re listening to a show, but that they’re actually a part of it. This is where the magic is, and if you can capture that in your presentation, your success will soar.

“But Mike!” you say, “We’re just talking about the dull stuff. No one’s going to bob their head to query plans, right?” Untrue. After all, the reason we work in this industry, that we participate in the community, and that we present to groups because it’s fun and gets us excited. The folks coming out to these events share that excitement, we just need to tap into that as presenters. It’s this magic quality that I’ve been working on in my own presentation style, so I canengage my audience and break down the wall between me and the people sitting in the room. It’s not easy and I know that there’s a lot that I can still learn here, but these are some of the things I’m trying to do:

  • Lighten the mood. Sure, we’re seeing a lot of dry stuff with databases, but find ways to make it fun. It could be humor or handing out candy for good questions, but try to loosen people up.
  • Get the dialog going. We always expect the audience to ask questions, so it’s uncomfortable when they look at you stone-faced. Typically, people aren’t asking questions because they’re afraid to be the first one. Get past that by asking the audience questions. Once your group realizes that this is a two way conversation, questions will start flowing.
  • Don’t be afraid. After all, people have come to the presentation to hear you. And they’ve come to hear you because they are interested in your topic and you do know what you’re talking about. If you have that confidence, it will project through and engage your audience.

Presenting really is another performing art, and I think if you approach it like an artistic performance, not only will your abilities as a presenter grow, but it will be more fun to boot. It’s hard for me to really put in to words the rush I’ve felt after a great performance, like when I played the Pines of Rome or Count Bubba, but it’s a feeling that can’t be beat. That’s what’s great about presenting, is I have gotten the same rush getting up on stage in front of PASS user’s group. So while most of us can’t shred like Satriani or sing like Tori, we all have the ability to share our passion for SQL Server with people who are just as fired up to learn about it. Revel in that, it’s a feeling to few people get to have.