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#Powershell and Automating SQL Server Builds-Part 2

When last we left our heroes, we were discussing how best to go about building SQL Servers quickly and consistently using Powershell.  The thing is, we hadn’t quite gotten to the Powershell part yet and only really covered the build process plus installing SQL Server.  Let’s change that and move on to the next steps.

Configure the OS

It’s time to flex Powershell. Because Powershell works directly with the OS, it makes it really easy to perform tasks that SQL Server isn’t so good at. Let’s start with creating three directories for our database files:

New-Item -ItemType Directory G:\MSSQL\Data
New-Item -ItemType Directory H:\MSSQL\Logs
New-Item -ItemType Directory I:\MSSQL\TempDB

This assumes that our sysadmins have built the box with those LUNs. There are, of course, ways to script that out as well, but we’ll skip over that for the sake of brevity.

Enabling Instant File Initialization is a little tricky, because editing the local security policy is not something Powershell can do directly. Insert a harumph here. Anyway, we can do some tricks using the secedit tool. This technique, borrowed from Kyle Neier(@Kyle_Neier), basically dumps out the local security policy to a text file, updates it, then re-imports it to the local security policy. Kyle provides  a full function to use, but you can boil it down to the following script:

$svcaccount = 'SDF\sqlsvc'
secedit /export /areas USER_RIGHTS /cfg C:\templocalsec.cfg
$privline = Get-Content C:\templocalsec.cfg | Select-String 'SeManageVolumePrivilege'
(Get-Content C:\templocalsec.cfg).Replace($privline,"$privline,$svcaccount") | Out-File C:\newlocalsec.cfg
secedit /configure /db secedit.sdb /cfg C:\newlocalsec.cfg

As a quick aside, you might want to consider working with your sysadmins to actually set this permission in your domain Group Policy. Means you’ll get it without having to configure it yourself.

Finally, we want to make sure we open the firewall for port 1433:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow SQL Server" -Direction Inbound –LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow

Configuring SQL Server

Now with the OS configured, it’s time to configure our SQL Server. For this, we’re going to leverage our friend and pal, the .Net SMO. As with many things in the SMO, the beauty of it is that we get a consistent API to interface with our SQL Server. For our purposes, we want to look at the Configurations collection of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server object. In here we can find everything you’d find in the sys.configurations view through T-SQL. Now let’s configure our max and min memory, max degree of parallelsim, and optimize for ad hoc queries.

$smosrv = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') localhost
$smosrv.Configuration.MaxServerMemory.ConfigValue = 4000
$smosrv.Configuration.MinServerMemory.ConfigValue = 2000
$smosrv.Configuration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism.ConfigValue = 4
$smosrv.Configuration.OptimizeAdhocWorkloads.ConfigValue = 1

Simple enough, right? You can get pretty fancy and add all sorts of logic to calculate these values, giving you a flexible setup script.

You could just as easily write these as a T-SQL script for a series of sp_configure executions to set your values. I’ve done it and know plenty of people who do. There are two reasons I’m moving away from this. The first is that some of my configurations, such the default database directories, need some specialized techniques (usually involving xp_regedit or something similar) to implement in T-SQL. I don’t like that approach because the extended stored procedures are usually unsupported and can have lots of issues. Powershell is much more graceful and (the second reason), using it across the board gives me a common interface for my configuration management.

In fact, let’s look at the default database directory settings. As stated, if you want to do this programatically in T-SQL, you are going to need to use xp_regedit to update the registry keys. Using the SMO is much, much easier:

$smosrv.DefaultFile = 'G:\MSSQL\Data'
$smosrv.DefaultLog = 'H:\MSSQL\Logs'

Piece of cake, right? One last thing to do now, and that is disable the sa account:


And we’re done!

To be concluded…

This builds the core of our server, but there’s a couple more odds and ends to discuss.  We’ll wrap up tomorrow with a few things, like how to handle maintenance jobs and other administrative tools.  We’ll also talk a little bit about the “why” of all of this.  Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion!

(Well, I think it’s thrilling.)

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  1. […] Data – Getting Titles from the XML document The SQL Sentry forum for SQL Statement Tuning #Powershell and Automating SQL Server Builds-Part 2 Using sp_DBPermissions and sp_SrvPermissions v6.0 SQL Server 2014 Incremental Statistics Are […]

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